Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stronger than Yesterday

After nearly 2 weeks of not running, other than the 5k - I have been eager to get back into the swing (or should I say stride) of things. M and I made plans to take advantage of the warm spring evenings and run outside on Wednesday. But severe thunderstorms blew thru the away and our plans. Instead, we had to log time on the treadmill. I noticed a few things.

First, running on the treadmill is more boring that I had remembered it being. Even with the music cranked up and M to talk too - the run on the treadmill seemed to take forever. Secondly, running on the treadmill seems to take longer, but seems more difficult. Let me explain. Running outdoors, M and I can finish a mile in about 12 minutes. And that pace seems difficult but not to the point that I can not talk. Last night, the treadmill said I was averaging a pace 4.1 miles per hour (that's a 14:38 mile time), and I was struggling to carry on a conversation. I am hoping that running on the treadmill is something that doesn't have to happen very often.

Tonight M and I lifted. It was fun. As we traded off sets of upper body exercises, the other partner would be doing ab work or running sprints on the treadmill. It was a great 30 minute workout that got my heart-rate up and my muscles burning. :-)

Tomorrow's agenda is 3 mile run here in town. Hopefully the weather will permit.