Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Sacrifice for Lent

Let me begin this post by saying, I am not Catholic (not there is anything wrong with that). It is merely a statement because when I have told friends about my sacrifice for Lent, they respond with "So your Catholic?".

Nope, I am a card carrying member of the Southern Baptist Association. (Okay so maybe there is no card). But the denomination of the church is not as important as the fact that I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ.

Over the last few years, I have developed a love of reading a few blogs written by great ladies, wives and mothers who just happen to be Catholic. And each year, I am amazed as they offer a sacrifice during this time - as a way to honor the ultimate sacrifice made by Christ.

And so this year, I am joining a lot of my fellow bloggers in during this same thing. For the next 40 days, I am giving up Diet Coke. For those that know me, you know that Diet Coke is my lifeline. A close friend often quips that he should just hook me up to an IV of diet coke - and the scary thing is my consumption of Diet Coke is very close to that image.

Diet Coke isn't good for me - I need to be drinking more water. So I am going to take this time to make a healthier me, and in doing so hope that I can become a better person, and a better Christian.


Marisa @Loser for Life said...

Hey, Kimberly! should have checked in with ya a while ago, but I was just wanted to see how you made out with the February Shred Challenge?? We're almost down to the wire, thank goodness! I'm going to post my measurements on the last day so as to show if I really got shredded! Feel free to do the same in my comments!

Btw, you are GOOD giving up Diet Coke! If I give up Diet Coke, but still drink Diet Dr. Pepper, would that count ?? lol! I know, I didn't think so... :(

Anonymous said...

You are my hero - I think I'd go through some sort of medical meltdown without my diet coke! Kudos to you!

brianne said...

good luck giving up diet coke! i did the same and now kind of view it as a "dessert"...i love your blog, i'm adding it to my google reader : )