Sunday, December 31, 2006

Year in Review

2006 was an interesting year for me. It began with me searching for a new career. By February, I had several interviews but no real prospects. And then suddenly, I had 3 separate offers. That would mark the first of many difficult choices I would make in 2006. I took the lower paying job, which offered more flexibility --- and I'm glad I did. At the end of February 2006, I was forced to choose between fighting for a relationship or walking away. I walked....and then faced the same choice with another relationship in April. That time I chose to fight....both choices were the right one for the time and place.

2006 also reminded me at how fast time goes by. My nephew turned one, I turned 24, and my parents celebrated 31 years of wedded bliss. It was a year of happy times - a vacation with Jamie, a road trip to see Morghan, weekends in Atlanta with Kim D. But it was also a time of sadness and grief, when in July I lost both Jeffrey and Jamie's Dad.

It was also a year of accomplishments....I completed my Master's thesis and successfully defended, thereby clearing one of the final hurdles between me and my degree. I also accomplished 365 days (and counting) of no bulimic episodes.

2006 was full of contrasts - good/bad, happy/sad, hard/easy...on and on. But overall it was a year in which I grew as a person. I spent the last 365 days, living, learning and loving -- and that is all any of us can really do. And I will endeavor to do all that again, perhaps to a higher/better degree in 2007.