Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Elements of a Bad Night's Sleep

Take one slightly sick and very wiggly 3.5 year old. Add in one hyper puppy who changes positions every 15 minutes. Place both on a living room couch. Toss in one very exhausted Aunt who keeps waking up at the slightest movement or sound. Let the elements mix for 7 to 8 hours.

Trevor, my oldest nephew, stayed with me last night while his mom takes care of his younger brother in the hospital. Normally, Trevor would stay with my parents. But since he is recovering from strep throat, the doctors advised that Trevor shouldn't be around my Daddy. Daddy is still at risk for infection and complications from his surgery. Therefore, I've been designate as babysitter. That in and of itself is not a problem, the trouble comes at night - I live with my parents - since Trevor can't be around Daddy, he can't stay Trevor and I were forced to spend the night at M's house. M graciously offered his bed. But I knew that he had to be up at 4 a.m. for work, so I decline the offer. Therefore, Trevor, our puppy Bailey, and I all made our bed on the couch last night. Trevor must have kicked the covers off every 5 minutes, rolled over every 3, and carried on entire conversations in his sleep. When Trevor wasn't moving, Bailey was shifting positions - from behind my knees to above my head and back again. When you factor in the creaks of the old house that I am not use to - it was a looooonnnggg night. Keep your fingers crossed that Trevor takes a super duper nap today. His Aunt Kim needs one too.